
Published on Friday, October 8, 2021

I was writing a Statiq footnotes module, and it turns out1 they're already built in.2

Here's (some of) this post, in raw:

Title: Footnotes
Published: 2021-10-08
  - editors-note
I was writing a Statiq footnotes module, and it turns out[^not-documented]
they're already built in.[^gruber]

[^not-documented]: This doesn't seem to be documented anywhere. It looks like
Statiq.Framework's `RenderMarkdown` module uses Markdig, which seems to use
[this syntax](
Non-standard, but not bad.

[^gruber]: What about the guy who made Markdown in the first place, and who
heavily uses footnotes? You can look at the raw input of his posts by adding
`.text` to the URL. For example,
[his rant about Safari 15 tabs](
has [this]( raw Markdown.
Spoiler alert, but he seems to write those footnotes by hand, awkwardly.

That's not too shabby. Quite nerdy, of course, but fairly quick to write.

Anyway, that's one item off my to-do list, and I did learn some stuff about Statiq's pipelines and modules, even though I didn't end up needing it yet.

  1. This doesn't seem to be documented anywhere. It looks like Statiq.Framework's RenderMarkdown module uses Markdig, which seems to use this syntax. Non-standard, but not bad.

  2. What about the guy who made Markdown in the first place, and who heavily uses footnotes? You can look at the raw input of his posts by adding .text to the URL. For example, his rant about Safari 15 tabs has this raw Markdown. Spoiler alert, but he seems to write those footnotes by hand, awkwardly.